The Golf War

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Re: The Golf War

Post by Viking45 »

Well for a "half" black man he sure has an enormous African American following that say he is the first AA well as the rest of the world.
He must only be a little black because he sure can't play basketball.

I wonder why his wife would make this comment?
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Re: The Golf War

Post by dark2023 »

Well for a "half" black man he sure has an enormous African American following that say he is the first AA president
Stupid people say/think stupid things.

What can we really know about someone who spent millions suppressing most records about him ??
Born in Kenya, then given the name Barry Sotoro by his stepfather. He ended up being raised by his white trash communist grandparents.
Please cite your sources, I would be very interested in seeing where this info comes from.
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Re: The Golf War

Post by Viking45 »

None of this is any real big secret anymore,too late to do anything about it.
Just do some searches,there are lots of legit sources that tell all about the sack of sh*t.
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Re: The Golf War

Post by Vagrant »

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Re: The Golf War

Post by Bonzo »

dark2023 wrote:Head up my ass?
Your history is horribly incorrect, laughably so.
He was not born in Kenya and being half black, does not make him "black" he is less than 51% black therefore he is not black. This whole "one drop" idea is idiotic and honestly offensive, as it implies that either black genes are superior to white genes or that black genes taint white genes.
Mr. Dark,

Who said anything about 1 drop? I could care less if the bastid is 90% white. He still proclaims himself to be black, so whatever! Relying on the liberal media to do your research for you is a very dangerous thing. They are horribly incorrect, laughably so.

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Re: The Golf War

Post by Viking45 »

I will go as far as to make a very bold statement.
Bonz made a comment about issues coming up- I will go a bit further and say without a doubt there will be "conspiracies" by the dozens if not more revealed and books written of this Muslim tyrant and his unpublished actions and intentions.
Numerous Arab countries have expressed concern of his (and I quote) ("cozying-up") with the Muslim Brotherhood,his blatant donations.
Fight fire with fire?....America's flame has been muted by this tyrannical predomination.
I mean when Muslim nations show concern about these actions then what should America feel?

The way I see it if you see any ounce of positive fortitude in this administration then I will/would consider you an enemy of the American Way.
Bold statement but it's where I'm at in this world.

Final note: I am very sympathetic to the blind...but have no sympathy for those that refuse to see.
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Re: The Golf War

Post by Veech12 »

dark2023 wrote:Head up my ass?
Your history is horribly incorrect, laughably so.
He was not born in Kenya and being half black, does not make him "black" he is less than 51% black therefore he is not black. This whole "one drop" idea is idiotic and honestly offensive, as it implies that either black genes are superior to white genes or that black genes taint white genes.
Young man....from your earliest postings it was evident you were someone wellread,open minded, and literate. I'd ask you to look around. This place is a crack house for morons. You have the half gone vague-rant still posting up racist crap,and a bunch of bigoted "knife collectors" half of whom have lost their women to "damn liberals". Throw in a couple of made up tough guy stories and you get the picture. I really got a kick out of the attempt to equate black Americans plight with those of the Irish.....poster overlooks the one fact that makes them incomparable...When an Irishman looks in the mirror, he can be anyone he wants or pretends to be. That just doesn't happen for people of color. So look around and be highly amused at the impotence of those here...they are truly laughable. Remember...people like this are dying out these days. They won't be around too much laugh at them while you still have the chance. Honestly...their ignorance and intolerance will soon be a thing of the past,just like most of their women that have left them.
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Re: The Golf War

Post by Viking45 »

I am not going to dignify anything said above and will encourage others to do the same.
You can say what you want about me but don't mention my friend Vagrant again,this is my rantings not his.

Besides I am the little scared bigoted white man with big guns and big truck to make up for my inadequacies after a big handsome liberal bully beat me up and took my woman.
I make up tough guy stories but really I live in fear of my own shadow. Boy did you have my number :wink:

The America I love and miss-
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When "our kind" dies out this will be your world. Hope that works out for ya.
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Re: The Golf War

Post by Bonzo »

Mr. Viking,

Most liberals live in a make believe plastic world with the belief that the government will always be there to coddle them and say everything will be alright at someone elses expense. Only believing what they want to hear, susceptible to lies and falsehoods. This is evident with our resident housebitch, as he never offers any real argument to better his cause, but falls back on his liberal finger pointing. What else could we expect from a man who cannot hold a job, forces his wife to work slave labour, and continually sponges from his inlaws? The only reason they put up with him is because he was their meal ticket to citizenship. I find it a pity that such self-esteemed followers of the sickh religion could hold a muslim like ObaMao in high regards.

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Re: The Golf War

Post by tequiza »

Veech12 wrote:
dark2023 wrote:Head up my ass?
Your history is horribly incorrect, laughably so.
He was not born in Kenya and being half black, does not make him "black" he is less than 51% black therefore he is not black. This whole "one drop" idea is idiotic and honestly offensive, as it implies that either black genes are superior to white genes or that black genes taint white genes.
Young man....from your earliest postings it was evident you were someone wellread,open minded, and literate. I'd ask you to look around. This place is a crack house for morons. You have the half gone vague-rant still posting up racist crap,and a bunch of bigoted "knife collectors" half of whom have lost their women to "damn liberals". Throw in a couple of made up tough guy stories and you get the picture. I really got a kick out of the attempt to equate black Americans plight with those of the Irish.....poster overlooks the one fact that makes them incomparable...When an Irishman looks in the mirror, he can be anyone he wants or pretends to be. That just doesn't happen for people of color. So look around and be highly amused at the impotence of those here...they are truly laughable. Remember...people like this are dying out these days. They won't be around too much laugh at them while you still have the chance. Honestly...their ignorance and intolerance will soon be a thing of the past,just like most of their women that have left them.
Mr veech,
When you 1st started posting this diatribe back in 2007, I thought you were maybe just a tad arrogant, misguided, egotistical and a narcissist. But you're really quite sensitive which leads me to believe you have an identity problem about your heritage or possibly have other inadequacies about yourself.

ETA, maybe you should think about changing the detergent in the mop water as it seems to be affecting your thinking.
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Re: The Golf War

Post by Viking45 »

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Re: The Golf War

Post by tequiza »

Viking45 wrote:Simply unreal ! Wow- ... =obnetwork
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through...all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Re: The Golf War

Post by Viking45 »

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Re: The Golf War

Post by Viking45 »

Woodrow Wilson was said to have played over 1,200 games and during his term we entered WWI and the Mexican revolution. He was Democrat.

Dwight D.Eisenhower played over 600 games but the USA was at one of the best times it had seen in history. Eisenhower was also a 5 Star General whose military service extended from 1915 to 1953 and was the President of Columbia University.

Obama has not played near that many games but the world wasn't falling apart during the other two president's terms.
Remind me again....What were some of Barry's accomplishments?

This is funny-
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Re: The Golf War

Post by Vagrant »

Veech12 wrote:
You have the half gone vague-rant still posting up racist crap,.
MY racist crap :lol: included being the 1st to mention Allen West :idea: But, that was only for people who can read :!: