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Re: Trump

Post by Vagrant »

Ben Carson has endorsed Trump :!:
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Re: Trump

Post by sammy da blade »

Personally, I don't like Trump! I think he's the man to change our economy for the better though. He has had his own way for who knows how long and I think he's a bully! He may get us in a heap of shit with his attitude towards the Muslims. Those countries are much older than ours. If they want to slaughter each other then let them! If our politicians weren't sticking their noses in their business we would never have had 911 or the need for homeland security. They got just what they wanted, armed guards at the monuments in D. C. Who would have ever thought that would happen.
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Re: Trump

Post by Veech12 »

tequiza wrote:
sammy da blade wrote:It's like jerr said, veech thrives on conflict. He probably can't get it up anymore so he has nothing better to do. I agree with jerr, we should all just ignore him, her, or whatever it is. It's the net so you never know who's posting.
You're right Sammy, but the way he skates around questions and the frivolous BS that he posts is quite amusing at times, and gives me a good chuckle,
it's hard to believe that anyone could be that naive if they were really paying attention to whats happening in this world.
Good morning Pete....I didn't come here to try and talk politics or policy with anyone. We both know we will never change each others feelings about the respective parties. My sole purpose was to calm the fears of the poor Viking who seems to think there is going to be some violent uprising coming from those vicious, angry progressives. I am not thrilled with any of the candidates as I said before. I do find the fears of folks like the Viking to be completely irrational and out of touch with reality. I've noticed many of the folks here deny being influenced by the fox news commentators. While you Pete may not be swayed by those you really believe the lesser informed here aren't inflamed by the repeat of many,many outright fabrications? ...I don't suggest other news outlets work without an agenda, they all do. Truly news has mastered the rousing of the worst conservative rabble out there.
Bonz....I don't believe in Easter and I only consume medically approved solutions. I think I'd shoot the bunny that brought me a bag looking like that.Thank you for the tip though. :wink:
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Re: Trump

Post by natcherly »

The good ol' San Francisco Chronicle today featured a front page article as to how Bernie is pushing Hill to the left. These guys are incredibly naive. She has always been a leftist, oh sorry, the current PC term is "Progressive" as it that means anything. (Teddy Roosevelt as a "Progressive and what a bid mistake he turned out to be but I digress).

I find it distressing that politicians in the country are racing each other to be more leftist than the other. Who won the cold war? We are in deep doo doo.
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Re: Trump

Post by tequiza »

Pushing her to the left :?: what a joke, she's teetering on the edge of the cliff now :!:
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Re: Trump

Post by sammy da blade »

Push a little harder!
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Re: Trump

Post by Viking45 »

Ha-Haaaa, The Grand Dragon of the KKK has endorsed Hilary.
Tell me that is not as W put it- 'Strategery"
Cheers to the Grand Dragon. :lol:
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Re: Trump

Post by sammy da blade »

Well, if the grand pooba of the KKK likes Hilary for president I think I'm voting for sheriff Cali!
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Re: Trump

Post by jim d, »

Vin - I agree that it is a shame that politics has become so divisive. I remember when "it's only politics" really meant something. Fortunately I haven't seen it spread to religion at least not in my world. I too am frustrated that we can't return to civility.

Pete - I think I know where you are coming from about stereotypes about living in the Southeast and racism. Some years ago I worked with a black guy who was raised on a farm in NC but left farming and was working with me. He lived in Boston for a while and told me it was worse for him in Mass. than NC. His point was that a Southern bigots let him know their opinions but in Boston the bigots were nice to his face but stabbed him in the back.

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Re: Trump

Post by Viking45 »

If Trump gets in we will be even further divided and all the dreadlock wearing white youth will be "occupying" the streets and government building parking lots crying and flying their signs.

If an a-hole like Sanders gets in foreign policy will be nonexistent and either China or Russia,most likely China will simply "absorb" the USA and probably take Canada as a big frozen bonus. They won't want Mexico so they build a second Great Wall across the border.
All the liberals that aren't eaten will be working in factories sewing Adidas sneakers and making plastic buckets,living in giant cinder block apartments and the Grand Canyon will become the worlds largest land fill.

If Clinton gets in the entire Eastern Seaboard will be filled with mosques,New York City and DC will be burned to the ground and all the Abdulaziz and Muhammad's will be lined up waiting to tag-team Hilary's corn chute.

If a weakling like Rubio made it all the bottom half of the USA would be speaking Spanish and be called New Cuba.

Not sure what would happen if Cruz made it,most likely something similar to Rubio's scenario.

Well there you have it folks,the fate of America all summed up in a neat little package :lol:
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Re: Trump

Post by wazu013 »

Here's Trump with some of his future cabinet members :lol:
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Re: Trump

Post by sammy da blade »

The thought of little Hilary being tag teamed in the corn chute made me LMAO! Lord help us if she's elected.
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Re: Trump

Post by tequiza »

You say you haven't seen it spread to religion, how about this :?: ... 3q61Y85oCw
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Re: Trump

Post by bigfatross »

Just a little web site to put things in prospective and the trouble we are in. Check out the 9th line down as of this writing it will take $381,560.13
per man woman and child to clean up the national debt.....

Do you think they will have to raise taxes?
Do you think we will go to a cashless society?
When you decide to take your money out of the bank when things go bad (think 1929 depression) will you be able to?
When Americans decide to riot will the Government put a "FREEZE" on your bank account and all your investments?
Will the Government just steel your electronic bank account and all your investments?
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Re: Trump

Post by Vagrant »

Why do some Repubs ask Trump to support the winner and not run third party and then start dump Trump movements and talk third party ?