Looking for information on this gravity knife

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Looking for information on this gravity knife

Post by Selachii »

I found an interesting gravity knife and wound like to repair its spring. It still works, but the button is loose. I was unable to remove the spring from the button housing and don't want to ruin the original part. I've tried on spare parts, but its like welded in place.
Any idea how to remover it without brute force?

I've also never seen this companies name, do you have any information of it by any chance?

Regards Selachii

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Re: Looking for information on this gravity knife

Post by gravknife »


This is" kappmesser "either M1956 or M1963 ,they have slight variations between 1st and 2nd models ,look on wehrmacht awards to see the differences and learn more about these interesting gravity knives .
If it has an eagle on the grip it is military Bundeswehr issue and should have some inspection numbers on the trapdoor .Others were made for sale to civilians ,I have seen Anton wingen ,,Eickhorn and WKC examples but never one with this nice Gazelle stamp.
I believe it could be by" Gebruder Krusius "but I am not positive so you may need to dig a little more .
I cannot help with the repair as these were notorious for breaking ,maybe Bill has an idea on repairing these.... if anyone knows it will be him ,and you are in the right place. .

Thanks for sharing it as it is a mark I have never come across on these knives.

Welcome to the forum
Found this S/A dagger and the company logo etc ,there is a write up of their history if you type in Gebruder solingen knives and do a search .
Hope this helps a bit .
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Bill DeShivs
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Re: Looking for information on this gravity knife

Post by Bill DeShivs »

Nor have I ever seen a Gebruder of this type.
If you want to remove the button spring, you have to remove the button by driving out the button pin. Trying to do so otherwise will ruin the spring, and you can't get a new spring in unless the button is removed.
Bill DeShivs, Master Cutler
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Re: Looking for information on this gravity knife

Post by Selachii »

I just received a small ERN zinc plated gravity knife that also needs a spring. The previous owner told me that it went missing one week after he bought it and that was over 50 years ago. Got really lucky that it ended up in a drawer, he told me that it would have gotten thrown away in a couple of days if nobody had bought it.
I will let a machinist make me a few replacement springs and just hope they used identical ones in the bigger gravity knives made by Anton Wingen (Krusius).

Thank you all or the information on the Gebrüder Krusius knife.
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Re: Looking for information on this gravity knife

Post by jerryk25 »

Bic Lighter spring. . .or an old Ballpoint pen spring. . . .

I have old Miricle Whip jars full of springs. . .
I impulsively raid recycled stuff for screws and fasteners and whatnot.
Spray bottles and pump soap bottles have stainless springs in them, sometimes. . .
sometimes the springs are plastic.

Winger and other high quality knives had thicker stamped parts. .
and the sear point profile was much more refined.

Oriental clones often had internal triggers that would not "sit-right"
and be "out-of-vertical" . . .resulting in a poor trigger lock-up.

When you take it apart, put in small brass washers
to keep the trigger vertical. . .

Dug up and old drawing. . . .too tired to make a new one.
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Re: Looking for information on this gravity knife

Post by jerryk25 »

I was really into gravity knives for a while, mangling up clones. making my own blades.

I bought at least 10 of this model. . . .wrecked two, rebuilt the pieces into Frankenstiens.
I Know I have one kit never opened.

After you get familiar with the simplicity of the parts, . . .and you're not afraid of trashing it.
You get to practice your skill. . .

File that pin head off, get some copper wire for a new temporary pin. . .
tear apart some BIC Lighters.

Go to Town . . . . Get the Bug. . . . . Mangle something and then hide it in a shoe-box in the basement.
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Re: Looking for information on this gravity knife

Post by Selachii »

Got 24 Gravity knives and some spare parts in my collection and its till growing.
I'm still looking for a good handle from Anton Wingen. I own four of the big ones, and they all have awful handles.
I found this one (https://www.arizonacustomknives.com/products/1071001/) it has a perfect blade and i want to switch the handle at some point.
The small ones seem to have way less corrosion issues, have two small ones from Wingen one ERN and one that says Airborne made for FES.

Still looking for some from York Cutlery Co., Hoffitz and Black Hawk.
Its a pain to find them in the wild as an European.
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