About being "red-pilled".

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Fishtail Picklock
Posts: 2219
Joined: Sat May 03, 2003 11:10 pm
Location: Forest Grove, OR

About being "red-pilled".

Post by Fishtail Picklock »

There is so much about MGTOW that is either misunderstood or misrepresented. Here is a brief synopsis of the attitude. (This is not a "movement" but a mindset/mode of thought. Neither misogyny nor hate is involved).

Redpillring.com is the idea of a man, who like far too many middle-aged men, almost lost his life to suicide after losing his family in divorce. Four times as many men as women die of suicide but no one seems to care. Most of these suicides result from the pain of divorce and men losing all sense of their own intrinsic value.

Luckily, while online researching divorce, he stumbled upon a site that talked about the intrinsic value of a man's life and how men are wrongly conditioned to believe that their only worth comes from what they can produce and provide. He was amazed at what he heard and began watching post after post. He realized that he was not alone and he felt his strength return. He realized that he had actually caused his own destruction by buying into a concept of masculinity that devalued men and demanded never-ending self-sacrifice in order to "deserve" a woman's love. This wrong thinking leads men to degrade themselves and harm other men as they scramble to each add value to their lives. This wrong thinking also drives many men to crime and to harm others resulting in a massive prison population and millions of destroyed lives.

He learned to he could "Go His Own Way" which meant to be content with his life and find value in his own life. By realizing that his life had intrinsic value he realized that all men's lives have intrinsic value and so every man is deserving of respect. All human interaction should be consensual and respectful.

Knowing that he would have died had he not stumbled upon this idea, he wanted to help other men by promoting the concept and bringing the brotherhood from an online support community to a physical brotherhood that men could see on a daily basis. He decided to design a subtle display of pride and brotherhood that men could wear anywhere and identify themselves as a man who can live alone in peace with the world.
Fishtail Picklock
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