Conflict of Interest

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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by JerrBear »

I don't think it is just your ignorant views that makes some people think you're a TROLL. Maybe, just maybe, it could be because you have a history of stirring-up s**t... Ya think?
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by Chrisadamley »

JerrBear wrote:I don't think it is just your ignorant views that makes some people think you're a TROLL. Maybe, just maybe, it could be because you have a history of stirring-up s**t... Ya think?
again i say....why is posting a conflicting view considered stirring up sh"t?
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by vernfonk »

Chrisadamley wrote:ya, you don't like that they chose the military
So are you saying that joining the military is not a noble thing to do or because it's a dangerous profession? They are the Armed Forces. What about the police and firemen? Do you cringe when people join those those professions as well? Hell, that doesn't leave too many folks to protect us anymore. Oh wait, we have Hussein, Pelosi, and Reed. My bad.
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by Chrisadamley »

vernfonk wrote:
Chrisadamley wrote:ya, you don't like that they chose the military
So are you saying that joining the military is not a noble thing to do or because it's a dangerous profession? They are the Armed Forces. What about the police and firemen? Do you cringe when people join those those professions as well? Hell, that doesn't leave too many folks to protect us anymore. Oh wait, we have Hussein, Pelosi, and Reed. My bad.
hmm...i think you along with others misunderstood what i meant by that. Probably my fault for not saying it clearly. What i mean is, that you fear for their safety. The only reason you don't want them to join is because you don't want them to get hurt.

About the police and fireman thing. No i don't cringe at that. I also don't cringe when people decide to join the military. Its just when a loved one decides to join the military its always tough knowing that their risk of dieing is so much greater.

I'm in school now (third semester) on my way to becoming a police officer. Its what i have always wanted to do and I'm almost there :). I realize there are many dangerous professions. Doesn't mean that we have to be glad a family member is doing it. Of course I'm proud of my cousin because he fights for our country. Its extremely noble and all the military guys deserve a TON of credit.

That still doesn't negate the fact that I'm worried about his safety, OR the thought/debate on whether we Should/shouldn't have been in Iraq int he first place.
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by Vagrant »

Chrisadamley wrote:
That still doesn't negate the fact that I'm worried about his safety
Perhaps, just perhaps, it would be logical to share some of that worry/concern for SENIORS who WILL be advised and encouraged, to commit suicide [because healthcare they spent their entire lives paying for, will now go to assorted useless life-forms] :idea:
Or is that too "rightwing" for you to comprehend :?:
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by Chrisadamley »

Vagrant wrote:
Chrisadamley wrote:
That still doesn't negate the fact that I'm worried about his safety
Perhaps, just perhaps, it would be logical to share some of that worry/concern for SENIORS who WILL be advised and encouraged, to commit suicide [because healthcare they spent their entire lives paying for, will now go to assorted useless life-forms] :idea:
Or is that too "rightwing" for you to comprehend :?:
I understand that, I just dont think it will be how you are currently seeing it. They are not going to be advised to commit suicide. It lets them talk to a professional about the choices they have.

Why do you think that doctor is going to tell them to commit suicide? I just dont understand where this is coming from.
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by Vagrant »

Chrisadamley wrote:
Vagrant wrote:
Chrisadamley wrote:
That still doesn't negate the fact that I'm worried about his safety
Perhaps, just perhaps, it would be logical to share some of that worry/concern for SENIORS who WILL be advised and encouraged, to commit suicide [because healthcare they spent their entire lives paying for, will now go to assorted useless life-forms] :idea:
Or is that too "rightwing" for you to comprehend :?:
I understand that, I just dont think it will be how you are currently seeing it. They are not going to be advised to commit suicide. It lets them talk to a professional about the choices they have.

Why do you think that doctor is going to tell them to commit suicide? I just dont understand where this is coming from.
ON PAGE 425 OF OBAMA'S HEALTH CARE BILL, the Federal Government will require EVERYONE who is on Social Security to undergo a counseling session every 5 years, with the objective being that the government will explain to SSI recipients just how to end their own lives earlier! Yes... our new Socialist government is going to push SUICIDE to cut Medicare spending! This is NOT made up!
Since $500 billion will be transfered from them to LOWER LIFE_FORMS, services to them WILL BE REDUCED [accordingly], giving them a REASON to consider such "counseling" :x
In some other countries [that we are trying to copy], "maintenance treatments" [dialisis/nitrates/plavex/stints/heart surgey/insulen/etc, to varying degrees] are not allowed, controled, or being phased out :!:
WE buy our drugs from Canada [cheaper] they come here to STAY ALIVE, by having treatments their "healthcare" :lol: doesn't cover :idea:
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by Vagrant »

42) PG 425, lines 22-25, 426 lines 1-3 provides an approved list of end of life resources, to help guide seniors about the process of dying!

44) Pg 429, lines 1-9 dictates the frequency with which an Advance Care Planning Consultant will have to meet with patients as their health deteriorates.

45) PG 429, lines 10-12 give an Advance Care Planning Consultant the power to order end of life plans for a patient.

46) Pg 429, lines 13-25 will only allow certain doctors, not necessarily your own physician, to write an end of life order.

47) PG 430, lines 11-15 allows the government to decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life.
Any other doubts/questions :?:
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by natcherly »

Now Al, you are going to confuse some people with the truth. :shock: It won't jibe with their preconceived notions, but the liberal mind has coping mechanisms to deal with this situation. They just won't let those facts get in the way - it is so simple yet so effecive. At least it must be given all those who actively use this techique...
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by tequiza »

Chrisadamley wrote:
Vagrant wrote:
Chrisadamley wrote:
That still doesn't negate the fact that I'm worried about his safety
Perhaps, just perhaps, it would be logical to share some of that worry/concern for SENIORS who WILL be advised and encouraged, to commit suicide [because healthcare they spent their entire lives paying for, will now go to assorted useless life-forms] :idea:
Or is that too "rightwing" for you to comprehend :?:
I understand that, I just dont think it will be how you are currently seeing it. They are not going to be advised to commit suicide. It lets them talk to a professional about the choices they have.

Why do you think that doctor is going to tell them to commit suicide? I just dont understand where this is coming from.
Since when do we need some pinko commie puke in DC to counsel us, we've been doing fine on that matter for the last couple hundred years, if I decide to off myself I don't need some asshole sitting behind a desk to tell me how to do it :!: I already have a professional to talk to, he's my regular Doctor :!:
In case you haven't noticed a few of us on this forum are hard core, old school conservatives, we believe we have the right to make it or fail on our own and we don't need some commie government telling us how to live our lives or end them for that matter :twisted:
Iv' had Med, Ins for as long as I can remember and if i'm lucky enough to live till 80 my policy will cover anything that happens to me, that's a choice I won't have under bambam's plan, i'm over 60 so anything serious i'll just get some pills and be sent home to die :twisted: I would suggest you read up on these health care bills and stop listening to the drive by's :!:
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by Vagrant »

natcherly wrote:Now Al, you are going to confuse some people with the truth. :shock: It won't jibe with their preconceived notions, but the liberal mind has coping mechanisms to deal with this situation. They just won't let those facts get in the way - it is so simple yet so effecive. At least it must be given all those who actively use this techique...
My bad :( It IS most inappropriate to ask someone to suspend emotional attatchment to "the messiah" and engage in the thought process :lol:
They are simply genetically incapable of logic :wink:
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by Vagrant »

Chrisadamley wrote: It lets them talk to a professional about the choices they have.
CORRECTION :!: It MANDATES "counseling" :evil:
There is a big difference between asking for advice and being FORCED to be subjected to it :!:
Or is that "a little to deep" for your powers of comprehension :?: :?:
I do NOT want some "young person" advising me about how to die :x
I'm sure that I don't need any help/advice from a profesional [that was born, decades after I first voted] :lol:
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by turbo_dog »

Let me preface this by saying that I am not interested in debating politics on a knife forum, however I am interested in the truth. In real life, I will often argue either side of a point with my friends, because I find it challenging and fun, and my friends know me and what I stand for. Because of this tendency, I tend to want to challenge almost everything I read and hear. And on this forum, that would put me on the enemy list, although I probably agree with most of you on most things.

And the truth is, I can often see merit in some points of either side of a given issue. Some of my conservative friends call me a liberal, and some of my liberal friends call me a conservative. I rather like the fact that I can't be pigeon-holed. The thought of voting or supporting one party exclusively is disagreeable to me. I vote for whoever I think is best, and generally split votes between democrats and republicans pretty evenly. Anyway...

1) I disgaree with the premise of the original poster. I believe you CAN support the troops and support Obama. I would cite Colin Powell and Wesley Clark as 2 prime examples. I know that they both supported Obama, and do not think that you could seriously question their support of the troops considering the positions of military authority they have held. Also consider the fact that a vote for a candidate does not necessarily imply 100% support of every view they hold. If that was the case, I could probably never vote for anyone. Do you really think that every soldier, and every family member of every soldier voted for McCain?

2) Health care- a very complicated issue. I do not pretend to understand it nearly as well as I would like to, but from what I have read the euthanasia point is false. The proposed section of the Health Care bill LIMITS advance care planning consultation to once every five years (unless the patient's health status changes), and is not required at all. It would provide an opportunity for people to discuss options on end-of-life care, such as medical power of attorney, living wills, etc, which many (most?) of us have in place already. Here is a link to a blog that explains it better than I could: It also includes links to the proposed bill itself.

For someone like me who doesn't see the world in only stark black and white, but in shades of gray as well, each issue, and each candidate, requires some level of thought and consideration. It may be naive, but I truly believe that most of our elected representatives, regardless of party, have the best interests of the country and their constituents at heart.
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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by Phil Elmore »

turbo_dog wrote: I disgaree with the premise of the original poster. I believe you CAN support the troops and support Obama.
No, you cannot. Supporting Obama supports a man who is openly hostile to the United States Military and to the United States as a nation, who has been projecting weakness and endangering the nation's security since he entered office.

You can kid yourself into believing it is possible to do both. When you do, you are, well, kidding yourself. No one can stop you from lying to yourself about the outcome of your actions or the logical conclusions of your personal philosophy, but don't try to tell the rest of us that up is down or that two plus two equals five.
- Phil Elmore

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Re: Conflict of Interest

Post by JerrBear »

turbo_dog wrote:
I truly believe that most of our elected representatives, regardless of party, have the best interests of the country and their constituents at heart.
With all due respect, if you truly believe that, sir, you are terminally naive...
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