Interesting Article

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Interesting Article

Post by Viking45 »

This is something that the USA should take to heart. What is happening in Greater Europe is a sin.
Denmark,Norway and Sweden are in a very serious situation again proving a left wing government is a failing system.
I can only hope the UK comes to it's sense's and deals with it problem. That island is much too small to have the population of immigrants it has.
A small pot boils faster.
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Re: Interesting Article

Post by gravknife »

I'm afraid the pot has boiled over and spilling into the streets.
There's a problem here made worse by fear of being unpolitically correct.I fear we are in danger of allowing in an army of Muslims under the guise of refugees.
Many of these Syrian immigrants are of fighting age but none have stayed to defend their country from ISIS.It's as if ISIS is pushing Muslims into the west,like you would do with pawns in a chess game ,many ready to self detonate as in Paris ,London and Belgium.
Any one who says anything against this are racist bigots,you cannot be a patriot here without being a racist,you have the dreadlock bearing lefties marching with Muslims against their own people,police covering up Muslim grooming gangs in Rotherham ,soldier beheaded on our streets and still people are blind to the danger.There are Sharia courts here,white no go areas churches destroyed to make way for mosques and hordes of immigrants waiting at Calais to force a crossing into England.
If you look on a map the Muslims have systematically taken over towns in England ,Blackburn,Bolton,Watford ,Birmingham and have made it so that whites move out,they have no intention of integrating into our society,and live in the disguise of being moderate Muslims,
I am ashamed to be British at the moment as i see the wool being pulled over the eyes of my fellow countrymen by people who will smile at them whilst taking off their heads.
I fear whilst we are in the EU this will get worse and David Cameron is a puppet in the hands of Germany and France,I wish the channel tunnel had never been built it is like an arsehole of France spreading waste into England.
I can not say anymore but hope that my fellow countrymen wake up and see that we are in danger of becoming the minority,and Muslims have no such thing as political correctness.
All the best
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Re: Interesting Article

Post by wazu013 »

I think the western world is making a huge mistake. Instead of trying to deal with refugees coming out to every country we should fight to keep them where they are. Maybe then the fighting age men will fight for their lives. These idiotic religious wars are centuries old and will outlive us all.
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Re: Interesting Article

Post by gravknife »

I agree.
If when the Germans invaded France the British people fled to America to escape the blitz,things would have turned out differently.
People who love their homes stay and fight to defend them.
People who have a different agenda use war to their advantage to fulfill it,wether it be to make money or a more sinister plan ,like moving forces within the country they want to hurt disguised as refugees.They are mixing with white women and could in generations breed us out
Its time to get hardline with this,arm the Syrians,block off Europe to any refugees,they arent starving ,its 10000 euro for a boat ride to Greece each,and arabic countries wont take them in,they arent as stupid as the West,what about Africa,India, no ,these dont offer the Western luxuries and racecard.
Waching a program the other night where a syrian family had been given a house here and they complained about the fridge noise and other petty things like carpet.Does that sound like a family fleeing for their life
Im sick of seeing the thousands pour into this country,none are checked for criminal records and many are raping thieving and just taking the p%%% ,using the fact they didnt understand our laws as an excuse.
I hope Donald Trump gets in ,and a right wing Brtish pm and has the balls to stop this.
Take Care Wazu
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Re: Interesting Article

Post by sammy the blade »

Those countries should deal with their problems on their own. The U.S. Should keep out of it! If they want to slaughter off the people then they should do the fighting. Wouldn't think an AK should be hard to get over there. If it wasn't for our politicians sticking there nose in the business of others we would never have had 911. Then there is big business in oil who buy political power, hope the Don can change it cause Hillary won't even try!
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