Havoc knives

This board is dedicated to small and big blades related to daggers, swords, and similar items.

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Havoc knives

Post by button_man »


Channing Watson is currently accepting pre-orders for a number of his designs at Havoc.

I have 3 of his pieces and can vouch that they are works of art, masterfully combining form and function. The 12" dagger (HN 12) ---which is actually more of what was called a 'bodkin' in the 16th century --- is my favorite; sturdy, slender, and clearly lethal. Reminds me of a girl I used to know...... anyhow, check out Mr Watson's knives -- you won't be disappointed !


Go to this site and click the "more" icon (3 short lines) in upper left corner. On the resulting menu, select "pre-order" under the 'store' category. This will show photos and prices.

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