11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

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Guitars and Blades
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11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

Post by Guitars and Blades »

Need to raise some cash, quickly. $70.00 shipped. I use Paypal because it's quick and easy.
This knife is sweet. Very hard snap with excellent lockup. Very minimal side to side play. Blade is near perfect except for a small machine mark on back of blade, probably could be buffed out easily. Stamped Rostfrei on front.
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Re: 11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

Post by JerrBear »

Radius wrote: Interesting observation Gary. You put a lot of thought into that post. Congratulations!
Maybe if you put half of that thought into repaying the debts you owe for knives you received, sold and never paid for, this world would be a better place.
Oh yea, honoring the contracts you entered into and refuse to pay for, wouldn't be a bad thing either.
I'm sure you would have, but it must be slick willy and hillary's fault you're such a scumbag.
Next time you feel like calling someone sleezy and slimy,, take a good look in the mirror first.
I would tell you to sell your soul, but it still wouldn't be enough to repay the debts you owe esteem members of this community.
Since you refused to address this on Mr. Vagrant's Forum, perhaps you would like to do it here...

If someone purchased this, would they be buying a stolen knife?
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Re: 11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

Post by ~Chad »

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Re: 11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

Post by Guitars and Blades »

Cliff, of all the people I know, you're the last I would have expected an attack from. I had always thought of you as a friend.
What "Stolen" knives are you talking about and who have I ripped off?
Are you referring to my contract with PLP for the custom he built me?
Pat was informed of the financial problems I was going through and when I knew I would not be able to raise the additional $430.00 I owed him for it, I told him to keep the $380.00 deposit I had given him, as I knew he had put time and effort into the building of that knife. Would you have done that Mr. Righteous, or would you have whined for your deposit back when Pat said he would sell the knife? He was not willing to take payments on it, and that is his right and prerogitive. I hold no hard feelings toward Pat. I wish him well. He's a gentleman and a hell of a knife maker. I don't hold Pat at fault in this at ALL!!
As far as Bob at SD, I've been sending him what I can, as I can, not that it's any of your F*cking business!! I recall two payments to Bob in the last two weeks, which I'm sure he'll attest to. But who the hell are you to comment on me, or anyone I've interacted with online?
I didn't ask for my business to go under, having a stiff for a roomate that got me evicted from my apartment AFTER I had taken him out of a "friend's" house where he was sleeping on a mattress in a walk-in closet. He didn't pay his half of the rent for over nine months and I couldn't throw him out because he had his name on the lease, because he wanted it on the lease (I know why, now) when we moved in. This is a man I considered a friend and was the keyboard player in my band for over 5 years.
So, money for knives (not to mention bills, rent, groceries, etc.) was pretty hard to come by.
I went from a 6 figure contracting business to a crappy job in housekeeping at a local hospital while I continue my education at night.
Are enough of my problems and personal life out there for you and everyone else to see, Cliff? You SELF-RIGHTEOUS AS&HOLE!! Who are you to judge me or defame me on a public forum? About things you misquote and know nothing about? AND THAT DO NOT INVOLVE YOU IN ANY WAY!!
Anybody want to know how big my dick is or exactly how much money I make?
The knife in this listing is a knife I got from a friend as a beater and was kindly fixed up for me by my friend Dave who most of you might know. He wouldn't take any money, so I sent him a 7" Bayo Blade stiletto as thanks.
As for anyone else out there, I've dealt honestly and above board with numerous FRIENDS on this and other forums.
Yes, I owe Bill DeShivs $60.00 of a $200.00 debt, if it's any of your business, Cliff. He told me (thank you kindly, Bill) to send what I can, when I can. Bill will receive his final $60.00 next week when I get my shi*ty paycheck.
I'm sorry I haven't been able to get my life back in order quick enough for you, Mr. Radius.
But, my thanks goes out to my friend Freddie (Redeye) who is the ONLY one who had the decency to stay in contact with me throughout this past year of hell I've been through. He even offered to not only buy my knives from me, but to hold them and resell them to me for exactly what he paid. THAT'S what I call a friend, Cliff. I'm sorry. I should also mention Butch, who also kept in touch. Thanks, Butch.
As for whatever post you're talking about in Vagrant's forum, I haven't been online much lately, between overtime at work and school, but I will look at it as soon as I finish typing this.
So, for the record, I'm 6'0" tall, weigh 220 lbs ( I just lost 52 lbs, this past year..can't imagine why) I'm balding, but in good physical shape.
My eyes are brown and I have a couple visible scars and seven tattoos. I'll send you a picture, if you'd like, so you know the evil knife villain to look out for. Maybe you can put it up on the Post Office wall in Judgemental Land or wherever you live. As for the sleezy and slimey quote, I don't know what you're talking about. The only name that could come to mind is Bill Clinton. Did I offend you and the Pro-Gay agenda, Cliff?
I've been married four times, and the last three exes have all gotten a house when I left.
Next time you decide to attack someone in public, you'd better have your facts straight and make sure it's something that is YOUR business. You could have contacted me privately, Cliff. Do you feel like a big man, now? You've made a big show for all your buddies to see. I'm really happy for you. Maybe you'll get a free Boy Scout knife out of it.
Last edited by Guitars and Blades on Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

Post by tyler_rabbit »

What's all this talk about your dick and balls? No one is interested...
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Re: 11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

Post by Guitars and Blades »

Just figured seeing how everybody was so interested in the rest of my personal life, I might as well leave NOTHING secret.
I did edit it out so as not to offend any of the ladies who might read it.
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Re: 11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

Post by hogan »

tyler_rabbit wrote:What's all this talk about your dick and balls? No one is interested...
I'M INTERESTED! Believe it.
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Re: 11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

Post by whippersnapper »

hogan wrote:
tyler_rabbit wrote:What's all this talk about your dick and balls? No one is interested...
I'M INTERESTED! Believe it.
Mr. Hogan, are you sure you really want to enter in on this one :?:
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Re: 11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

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Re: 11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

Post by Radius »

As I said Gary, knives you received, sold and never paid for. Where did the money go when you sold those knives?
A down payment on a custom that you couldn't afford.
Certainly not to the person you owed for them! Why didn't you pay your debt when you had the chance and the money? That's all I'm saying.

As far as my F**king business, its every member's business here. People need to know who they are dealing with and that person's credibility. People like you are a dime a dozen. You find a new toy and go overboard, buying beyond your means until it catches up with you and you're in over your head. If you can't pay cash for the knife up front, then you have no business buying it in the first place. Especially in this economy.

If my calling you out in public hurt your feelings, then so be it. My intentions were to point out to new collectors how easy it is to get in over your head if you are not careful. This is a pay as you go hobby. Hopefully, by your own admission you can serve as an example to others when they read your post above.

Mr. Hogan
I don't know what your intentions are based on your post, but don't go there. It's not worth it. Neither Gary or I am worth it.
There is no fight here, so don't try to start one.

Either way, I couldn't care less. I announced several days ago, on another forum that I quit this community. I only came back here tonight because I got an email today about Gary's childish post. So attacking me is pointless, I'll never be back here to read it anyway.
I'm sick of the lies, the politics and the bullshit. This was suppose to be something I enjoyed after work to relieve my stress. Instead it has turned into some monster that has added more stress into my life. Life is too short to put up with this crap.

Moderators, please feel free to kill my account here and on any other forum you have control of.
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Re: 11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

Post by mr natural »

Well :shock:
The topic here must be GO TO H3LL
I was looking for BUY & SELL :lol:
Mr Natural

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Re: 11" Kris Blade '70's Rosewood and Brass

Post by Guitars and Blades »

Sorry to see you leave, Cliff, believe it or not. You've been a valued mamber and friend here, for longer than I.
My intention has NEVER been to deceive, defraud or rip off anyone. When I ordered that knife, I COULD afford it or wouldn't have ordered it in the first place.
At that time I could, and did, make regular payments on my debts.
I thought I could put the money together faster if I sold part of my collection. I wasn't expecting a drop off in my business that was so quick or dramatic, but that's not an excuse.
Am I guilty of getting in over my head, financially? Yes.
Lying, stealing, intentionally mistreating anyone? NO>

G&B :oops:
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