Supreme Court Ruling

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Supreme Court Ruling

Post by JerrBear »

The Supreme Court ruled today that the Second Ammendment is an individual right. What a wonderful and historic day for America!

Take THAT, you gun-grabbing MFers!
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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by Vagrant »

JerrBear wrote:The Supreme Court ruled today that the Second Ammendment is an individual right. What a wonderful and historic day for America!

Take THAT, you gun-grabbing MFers!
You type faster than I do :lol:
Here's a link :idea:
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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by whippersnapper »

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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by Vagrant »

Remember THIS guy wants to be President and has said REPEATEDLY that ONLY the Police and Military should have guns [and made fun of Gun owners]:roll:

"Today's ruling, the first clear statement on this issue in 127 years, will provide much-needed guidance to local jurisdictions across the country."
- Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by butch »

here in Pa we can carry openly without a permit just last week the police stopped a guy who was carrying one and took the gun away until he is able to provide proof that he is the legal owner of the gun "that" sparked hell here,Ive got the article here somewhere but they had no right what so ever even bothering the guy let alone take his gun away,local gun owners in wilkes barre protested by carrying their hand guns in public eatery's and other places,this his a huge step. 8)
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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by natcherly »

Been waiting for years for this to happen. Even so, the split in the court is as pronounced as ever. We only won by one Justice. Think about that when voting for the next Pres. Nose holding is optional....
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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by Vagrant »

natcherly wrote:Been waiting for years for this to happen. Even so, the split in the court is as pronounced as ever. We only won by one Justice. Think about that when voting for the next Pres. Nose holding is optional....
Osama has been saying NO GUNS except for police and militarty for YEARS :evil:
McCain has been 100% on this issue [have to be right on SOMETHING] :idea:
"This ruling does not mark the end of our struggle against those who seek to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens. We must always remain vigilant in defense of our freedoms."
- Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

"Today's ruling, the first clear statement on this issue in 127 years, will provide much-needed guidance to local jurisdictions across the country."
- Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.
A poor attempt to put a good "spin" on the ruling he OPPOSED :roll:
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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by El Gringo »

I'm not jumpin for joy yet. Why do I have that..."there's a fly in the ointment" feeling?
Anybody else have that feeling too? Is it from seeing to many years of debate over a 'right'..something thats supposed to be God given and unquestioned....yet shackled by so many "reasonable" laws by every state and jurisdiction (unlike the others in our Bill Of Rights) to become almost a mote point in the eyes of the 'law'.
I'm sure they'll be an outbreak of shootings soon to prove that we 'll need even stricter enforcement on the books and to show the folly of the supreme courts decision....enter the police state.
Or perhaps its just Budweiser paranoia. :|
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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by Vagrant »

No "jumping for joy" but a chance to "catch our breath" before the next assault :idea:
The ruling was very limited in scope and left open all sorts of "reasonable" restrictions :(
If the "drift to the left" continues, expect "carefully constructed" legislation in the next congress :idea: :(
The ruling did strike down other "lame-brain" laws, like "safe storage" [trigger locks/dis-assembled guns] since they preclude the access that may be needed in an emergency :idea:
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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by Vanagas »


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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by Bonzo »


The sad part of this ruling is the fact that it was actually considered. It should have never come this far. What it really proves is we have 4 supreme court justices that voted their consience instead of pure fact. Their inability to understand perfect, plain, and simple English should be enough reason to demote their worthless asses to low level public defenders. The vote should have been a unanimous 9-0 instead of 5-4. I wish Ruth Ginsberg would step in front of a cement truck.

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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by JerrBear »

Mos' excellent point, Misser Bongo!
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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by whippersnapper »

Your right Bonzo, it never should have made it this far to begin with. Like others have said, it is a victory, yet seems like a somewhat depressing one to me. But, it could have been much worse.
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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by Wally J. Corpse »

Greetings, Mr. Doofus Emeritus-

In response to the aforementioned ruling, the mayor of S.F. publicly announced his disdain for said outcome, and championed himself AS a metropolitan leader in the war against gun crimes, spewing forth this challenge- 'To the NRA- the mayor invites you to visit S.F., and tour firsthand, the problem areas known to contain a proliferation of illegal guns used for bad guy activities, maybe even spend a few nights in those neighborhoods.' Heh, heh, heh, what a glib crock o' crap, 'eh? Now then, AS a roofing contractor whose office/warehouse was in the Bayview industrial district, wherein even the local firestation was armored and called- 'Fort Shafter', I can flatly state that I never observed the young mayor stumping for votes or on a PR jaunt down there in the jungle. Just over the maimed strewn ridgeline of Hunter' Point is the well thought out locale for the hopeful new 49'ers sports complex with shopping, dining, and hotels accomodations to lure in the sports fan spenders. Ha!! If you've ever driven to Candlestick AS directed by the orange vest guys through the bowels of Third St. and Jamestown, you were most likely praying for no car problems which would have certainly caused your body to be found somewhat later, after the natives tired of soccer practice on yer head-, and now S.F. intends to open a tourist attraction on a waste landfill site where even the SWAT teams won't go? Another brilliant stroke for the state of Fornicalia, led by the new guru of queer marriage, the guilty of inappropriate conduct mayor.
I roofed some new apartment buildings in the shadow of the Sunnydale projects years ago, and took out everything I brought in every day. The G.C. on the job lamented to me that after dark, the plywood cannibals would roll in, and I saw that they had stripped the exterior shearwall sheathing off, leaving my new heavy hot roof to sway in the breeze atop the remaining framing.
It just goes to show ya' a man without respect for his own honor has none for thee.

AS ever,

Your ol' pal,

Wally J. Corpse
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Re: Supreme Court Ruling

Post by jim d, »

Sir Wallace,

Good points as always. My response to the mayor of SF inviting the NRA to visit a place full of bad guy gun activity is to suggest that said mayor visit one or more of the many places here in the USA where a high proportion of the residents are gun owners, but crime of all types is extremely low. My hope is that the painfully obvious would finally penetrate the apparently thick mayoral skull and he/she would realize the problem is the bad guys/gals and not some inanimate obgects. I'd even go so far as invite this mayor to visit Mayberry, but my fear is that he/she would like it and make plans to stay.

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